The Maitlands (Beetlejuice) Halloween costumes
Some folks were asking how I crafted our Barbara and Adam Maitland Halloween costumes this year, so I thought I'd share the process. To answer your first question, they took about a month, working about half-hour or so each night all month long. They were mainly sculpted used Rigid Wrap, which are strips of fabric covered in plaster. You dip them in warm water, and they harden in abut 20 minutes.
For my Adam mask, I used a cheap Venetian ballroom mask with a rubber ball on the end to round the nose, and an inflated rubber glove for the fingers on the top of the head.
I plaster-wrapped the mask and glove, let them dry, then wrapped them together, using a balloon to give a round head shape to the top.
I sculpted the lower jaw using bendable sculpting wire, and strung strips across, creating a sort of basket.
I hot glued the two pieces together, then used more wrap to created a more stable connection. I cut eye and nose holes, sanded the openings a bit, then moved onto the Barbara mask.
For the top of Barbara mask, I used a baseball hat as the base and added a bendable wire to extend the brim area.
For the lower jaw, I used the wire again along with a metal mesh to support the plaster strips as they hardened into the shape I wanted.
I taped and Gorilla Glued the 2 pieces together (this took a lot of work and crossed fingers due to the weight of the parts) and reinforced it with more plaster strips. I then added more strips to fill in the inside of the mouth.
Next, I spray-painted the masks and used a red enamel paint for the inside of the mouth to give it a "wet" look.
I found some black fabric that hid our faces well but was also see-through when it was close to your eyes. I covered Adam's eyes and Barbara's mouth with said fabric and hot-glued it in place.
For the tongue, I glued a bendable wire to two dish sponges, and then covered it in red latex. That way, I could shape the tongue however I needed to. The teeth were simply packing peanuts, which helped as the mask was get really heavy.
Lastly, I made the Adam's finger eyeballs out of gumballs that I carefully drilled holes into.
All the clothes and Ashley's wig were either things we owned, or Goodwill. And Viola, the Maitlands. Thanks for reading!
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