Daily Sketch: Spiderverse: Spider-Men, Gwens and Hams
The first issue of the Spiderverse story is great. Olivier Coipel's art is so good it depresses me to know I'll never draw as well as that.
The first issue of the Spiderverse story is great. Olivier Coipel's art is so good it depresses me to know I'll never draw as well as that.
Electro was always one of my favorite Spider-Man villains. He wasn't super interesting, I just always liked the visual. The new movie looks.....like a movie....we'll see....
I'm super excited to show off the final versions of 2 of the posters I'll have at C2E2 this April. The colors were brilliantly done by Fahriza Kamaputra. He does amazing work and I highly recommend him for all your coloring needs.
I finished the the second print I'll be selling at C2E2. Its a companion piece to the Spider-Man print I showed last week. Spider-Man 2099 may be my all-time favorite Spider-Man costume variation, and one of the few great things to comes from comics in the 90's. I reread it recently and it still holds up.
I'm having both prints colored right now, and I think they're really going to turn out pretty slick. C2E2 is April 25th - 27th and I'll be at booth #1629 along with some of my fellow Chicago creators.
So, this year I'll have a booth at C2E2 (#1629, stop by), along with some other fantastic Chicago comic creators. I'm working on a couple Spider-Man prints I'll be selling there, figuring out a pose to go with. Here's some sketches.